Saturday, January 16, 2010


Can we recreate past ,can the human race triumph, is the word invincible orchestrated to project dominance,now don't you think that's a tough question to be answered or the simple fact is that one may not have an answer to it.I have been fancied by a lot of events that took place in history,from evolution of man to the start of space age where in people are finding out possibilities of inhabiting the moon. It involved a lot of surprises , certain era's witnessed some violent catastrophic events that left us spellbound and the wounds caused by it haven't quite healed yet.A few chosen people out of nowhere arose to a level where in their mission "WORLD DOMINANCE" left the human race to rethink as to how one man's cruel intentions could leave millions of heart's bleeding. One man's sacrifice led to change the way we perceive certain things, The choice of WAR where in we fight amongst our own race and kill one another terming it survival of the fittest. When LEONARDO DA VINCI said one day man would soar across the sky people laughed at him ,today if he were to be alive he would have laughed at the world .  GALILEO GALILEI told the world that the earth revolved around the sun he was sentenced to death . Is the truth by itself so bitter to be accepted . Nobody has a control over destiny because you can't choose it ,it will choose you. Some say when violence of a mankind reaches its peak their will be a re-emergence of JESUS CHRIST. Some call him a messiah, some proclaim him as god but the harsh fact is that everybody finds it difficult to accept that a human being can also be of that kind. ADOLF HITLER some say he is a form of demon that appeared in the form of a human whose motive was to destroy the human race for ever.  Napoleon bonaparte the most 
ruthless emperor who once was feared by whole of Europe spent his last few years in exile . 
The once invincible ROMAN EMPIRE was left in ruins. 
The discovery of the NEW WORLD and where in people set out to 
live in there to seek a NEW BEGINNING gets to become the SUPER 
POWER of the 21st century . People being categorized by race,
color and religion which still exists even to this day. 
What are we fighting for,whom are we fighting for and who is the 
real enemy , well according to me the true enemy is the 
war itself!!!!!!!!!!!!

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