Saturday, January 16, 2010


Its about the so called thoughts , our dreams that invoke a sense of fear ,a story that needs to be told out loud but quite not sure how to do we go about it,what is real and what is unreal .We tend to believe something lies beyond what we are and our existence ,something that we want to be and think we are but facts and figures disprove it calling it an illusion,what is it that its trying to convey to us . I tend to live in a world of fantasy where in people think i am hallucinating due to a post traumatic stress, an emotional outbreak caused due to an unparallel state  of mind ,lies a hidden truth, a truth untold,a truth hard to  believe and a truth so unreal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can term me as crazy if you were to read this a laugh it off but think about it , take a moment, rethink as you who you are and you would find that inside you there is somebody thats waiting to be discovered!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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